Friars Forever Fund
Through the generosity of the Heagerty Family Foundation, the Friars Forever Scholarship Fund has been established at Saint Anthony’s High School. Mike and Mary Heagerty believe very strongly in the value of a Saint Anthony’s education and want to see others benefit the way their children, Riley ‘10, Annie ‘12, Michael, and TJ ‘16 did and are asking others to join them in this important and much needed endeavor.
“Mary and I consider the years spent at Saint Anthony’s as a most important period in our children’s lives and we believe those years helped shape them into the amazing young adults they are today. We cannot think of a better gift than giving others that same opportunity. Please join us in growing the Friars Forever Scholarship Fund and help to make a difference in a future Friar’s life.”– Mike Heagerty
The initial goal of the Friars Forever Scholarship Fund is for 100 Families to come forward and pledge their support by making a gift of one year’s tuition ($10,750) to assist future Friars who meet or surpass all academic requirements, demonstrate and prove hardship, and who otherwise could not afford a Saint Anthony’s education.
For further information on the Friars Forever Scholarship Fund, please call Don Corrao, Director of Development at (631) 271-2020 extension 284 or email at: dcorrao@stanthonyshs.org
To make your gift to the Friars Forever Scholarship Fund, the Development Office respectfully requests you include your own testimonial as to why you are making your gift. All checks should be made payable to Saint Anthony’s High School and earmarked for the Friars Forever Scholarship Fund. All gifts received are restricted for this Fund only.
Please mail all checks to:
Saint Anthony’s High School
Development Office
275 Wolf Hill Road
South Huntington, NY 11746